منتديات ابوحجر الشامله

اهلا ومرحبا بك عزيزي الزائر,,,
التسجيل مجاني,,
او سجل دخوللك ,,
ونتمني لكم قضاء امتع الاوقات....
مع تحيات الاداره,,,

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

منتديات ابوحجر الشامله

اهلا ومرحبا بك عزيزي الزائر,,,
التسجيل مجاني,,
او سجل دخوللك ,,
ونتمني لكم قضاء امتع الاوقات....
مع تحيات الاداره,,,

منتديات ابوحجر الشامله

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

    1G on a simple 700MB CD.


    ذكر القوس القط عدد الرسائل : 210

    تاريخ الميلاد : 06/12/1987
    العمر : 36
    المكان : مصر/حلوان
    المزاج : عال العال
    تاريخ التسجيل : 30/07/2007

    1G on a simple 700MB CD. Empty 1G on a simple 700MB CD.

    مُساهمة من طرف احمدابوحجر الخميس 30 ديسمبر 2010, 6:44 am

    Tutorial … make a big optimized AIO CD

    Am sure all of you have seen the AIO collections and even know how to make one, so what is new in this tutorial?

    In this tutorial we are going to make a big AIO one, say like Norton
    2006 AIO OR MacAfee AIO …. What ever, the main thing is you want to put
    more than 1G on a simple 700MB CD.

    So what do we need?

    1.Autoplay media studio : to build the autorun interface for your collection
    2.CDimage GUI beta 3 or the more resent one you get : to optimize the files

    Optimize ? …. What dose that mean ?

    Let us have it in a simple way before we see the pictures. Optimize
    means that we have some programs that have some files repeated in each

    In our example we will optimize a Norton products, so let us take a look in that.
    -Norton antivirus : this is only the antivirus
    -Norton internet security : antivirus + firewall
    -Norton system works : antivirus + firewall + utility

    Do you see what I mean now ? … as long as there is something shared
    between any program and the other then we can use optimization to reduce
    the size of the final package. And this is what we will learn in this

    Am not going to talk about Autoplay media studio in here , I think most
    of you know how to use it , or you can use any autoplay program to build
    your interface
    Even if you did not build an interface it is ok , but it is better to have one
    I made an autorun design for my Norton 2006 AIO package and it looks like this

    1G on a simple 700MB CD. Optimize018em

    And let us take a look at the file size of this collection

    1G on a simple 700MB CD. Optimize036xi
    1G on a simple 700MB CD. Optimize044ho

    Note that I have removed the win9x files from this pack , otherwise the
    size should be more than this for sure, but anyway … we are talking here
    about how to place the 982MB we have on a normal 700MB CD.

    As to say we want to make an iso file that look like this

    1G on a simple 700MB CD. Optimize021un

    Now you can see that we did optimize the size from 982mb to 692mb …
    I talk too much …. Sorry

    Let us get to work ….

    -Now let us say you have your files and design done and they are all in one folder
    -We will now use the CDimage GUI to handle the optimization

    1G on a simple 700MB CD. Optimize056wg

    In the root : browse to where you have stored your files and design and
    then select where you want to save the final iso and select a name for

    1G on a simple 700MB CD. Optimize066wq

    Remember to select this option, just incase if there is any hidden files
    1G on a simple 700MB CD. Optimize073rs

    Here I did select to allow long filenames and not to convert the
    lowercase into an uppercase ones …. Such options is up to you after all
    and you should have your try and error tests

    1G on a simple 700MB CD. Optimize083jm

    This is the main item … the trick if we can say so. When you select this
    option then if there is any duplicated files it will be included only
    once as a file but virtually it will be added as size

    What crap ? …. Are you lost ?

    Let us make it simple …. Say there is a file named [file.exe] with a
    size of 15mb, and this file is duplicated about 10 times …. So the
    optimization will add it only once as a 15mb, but in the total size of
    the CD there will be 15x10 = 150 MB of the total size just for that file

    Got it now ? …. I hope you did

    Let us continue the pictures and you will see what I mean more clear

    1G on a simple 700MB CD. Optimize099zp

    In this picture I have selected to ignore the max image size … say I
    want to burn on a DVD … it is up to me, right ? … Then select the volume
    label for the iso CD as you like… the Vol. name is differ than the CD
    name. I think you know this point

    1G on a simple 700MB CD. Optimize104tk

    Once you are done , then it is time to start the optimization, press the
    button and let the program do its job, once it is started you will be
    directed to the message tab window

    1G on a simple 700MB CD. Optimize113pt

    Now let us analyze the results :

    -the image size was over 1G bytes [before]
    -make sure the program is getting its source from the path you have stored your files in
    -the optimization is done and we were able to save about 30% of the final size
    -size after optimization is 726 bytes, and that is sure less than 1034 bytes as you can see it by your self

    That is what we call an optimization and this is the way to fit your collection on a normal CD

    Just remember that the optimization is done only when there is a common
    files in between, that is to say you can not make optimization for
    Norton antivirus + MacAfee spam + outpost firewall …. It is so clear
    that there is nothing common in between them


      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الجمعة 26 أبريل 2024, 11:05 pm